Resolution Error message: “The operating system is not adequate for running Lightscribe Template Labeler”
APPLIES TO: Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows 8.1, Microsoft Windows 10 |
SYMPTOMS: Installation fails when running setup executable for Lightscribe Template Labeler with the error message, "The operating system is not adequate for running Lightscribe Template Labeler" |
RESOLUTION: 1. Run the installer. (It doesn't matter what compatibility mode its in) 2. When you receive the error message "the operating system is not adequate for running lightscribe template labeler", do not click on OK and acknowledge the error message, leave that window open. 3. Enter the following command in the Run command for your version of Windows, "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp" (without quotes).
In Windows 8.1: In Windows 7 add the Run command to the Start menu: 4. Sort the folders by Date Modified by left mouse clicking on the column heading Date Modified until the most recent date is at the top. Scroll down and look for a folder (note: this is not a file but a folder) that was just created that has a guid as its name. On my system the folder is named: {6E99E2A8-A64C-4DF7-981D-F8D7AE994473}. Your folder name will likely be different but the format of the name will be similar. 5. Right click the folder and open it using Notepad. Once in the folder scroll down and look for the file "LightScribe Template Labeler.msi" (without quotes) in the list of files. 6. Once you have confirmed the file is contained in the guid folder, copy this folder to your desktop and then you can click ok on the error message from the installer. 7. Download lessmsi. (This is a free utility called Less MSIerables that allows you to see the inards of msi files and extract their contents.) 8. Right click the Desktop and select New>Folder. Name the folder "Extracted Lessmsi". Copy the downloaded file lessmsi to this folder and then double click the file to run it. 9. If you closed the Notepad view of the guid file reopen the file using Notepad. Then drag and drop the LightScribe Template Labeler.msi file into Less MSIerables. 10. Click the "Select All" button at the bottom and then Extract. 11. Choose a new folder to extract the files to and click ok. Once extracted close Less MSIerables. 12. Go to the folder you extracted the files to then drill into SourceDir/program files/. 13. Copy the LightScribe Template Labeler directory and paste this folder into C:\Program Files (x86). Click ok on any confirmations windows may give you. 14. Now go back to the folder you extracted the files to from step 11 again but this time drill into SourceDir/Windows/system32/. Copy the three files you find there (msvcm80.dll, msvcp80.dll, msvcr80.dll) 15. Now navigate to: C:\Program Files (x86)\LightScribe Template Labeler and paste those three files there. 16. Now create a shortcut on your desktop to C:\Program Files (x86)\LightScribe Template Labeler\TemplateLabeler.exe and run it. |
MORE INFORMATION: The above information was found on the Microsoft forums pages for the error message. I have used these instructions twice to install the utility. I decided that I needed to keep a copy for my own use. |
PROPERTIES: Last modified: 6/13/17 Revision: 1.0 |
Keywords: Lightscribe Template Labeler Installation. Lightscribe error message. |
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